La Coalition Rail Safety Campaign Travels to Washington D.C.
Photo Credit: Gerri Songer
"Knowing that my voice matters and being part of a team of strong, passionate individuals has fueled my own voice. I feel even more empowered after our D.C. trip to continue to advocate for railroad safety, our environment, and importantly, our schools - all of which are intertwined within this important national issue." - Mikayla Kucia (IL)
Lac-Mégantic: Events to Remember, Support, and Tell Each Other
As part of the commemorations of the 10th anniversary of the rail tragedy, the City of Lac-Mégantic, in collaboration with its many partners, is offering a “comfort summer” to the community. A sober summer, respectful of the wishes of residents who signified to us the desire to live these moments together. In this spirit, a diversified cultural, and spiritual program has been built over the past few months with the objective of creating moments to remember, support, and tell stories.
GUEST SPEAKER: Fred Millar, SARA Title III Protects Our Right-to-Know, or Does It?
On Sunday, April 23rd at 7:00pm Central, Fred Millar will talk about the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and its Title III: The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), which ensures the public’s right to obtain information concerning toxic releases from local high-risk facilities - or does it?
Emergency Response Will Never Be Adequate for a Serious Release
Millar states, “It is an understandable reaction to [the] East Palestine [train derailment] to try to beef up local emergency response (ER) planning, but a waste of time. ER will never be adequate for a serious release. Only evacuation would be needed.”
Ohio Train Derailment: Disaster Strikes Close to Home
“One argues that the company ‘ignited a one million pound-plus chemical burn pit … dispersing toxic chemicals for miles and across state lines into Pennsylvania. ... There is a major problem with setting vinyl chloride on fire—it creates phosgene gas. Phosgene gas is a chemical warfare agent banned under the Geneva Conventions and was responsible for the deaths of about 85,000 people in World War I.’” Photo: David Anderson
Citizens of Lac-Mégantic Stand in Support of those in East Palestine, Ohio
“The Coalition of Citizens and Organizations Committed to Railway Safety of Lac-Mégantic calls on the U.S. Congress to strengthen regulations on the transportation of hazardous materials by rail by reducing the length and speed of trains and reinstating rules favoring the installation of electric braking systems on rail cars and tanks throughout the United States.”
Railroads: How Well Do Private Ownership and Public Safety Mix?
“Perhaps even more distressing, shipments of hazardous and security-sensitive cargo—military bombs, rockets, warheads, torpedoes, mines, grenades, ammunition, projectiles, and even fireworks used as distress signals—can be embargoed and held by private railroad companies on privately owned property. “ Photo: Johannes Plenio
Self-Policing Rail Companies: One More Hazard?
“Canadian attorney Tavengwa Runyowa speaks out against the rail industry’s use of their own private police force with full criminal law enforcement powers.”