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Host a neighborhood watch party; distribute fact sheets to friends, schools, and businesses; write a Letter to the Editor; reach out to elected officials; come to a presentation, tabling event, rally, or march.
There’s a lot of work to be done - We need educators, organizers, and movers ‘n’ shakers! Bring us your time, enthusiasm, and talents, and we won’t let them go to waste!
We Need Your
Help Now…
Anne-Marie Saint-Cerny
Canadian Writer and Political Activist
The Lac-Mégantic Derailment, Which Caused 47 Deaths, Was Not an Accident.
“Here in Canada, and in the United States too, we can have so many deaths, the destruction of a town, and nobody changes anything except to give more power to the railroad companies.”
Karl ‘Fritz’ Edler, Special Representative
Railroad Workers United, Washington D.C.
These Are Systemic Problems.
“There’s a tendency to think each one of these… wrecks, these terrible tragedies where people die, are individual things,… but they’re tied together by the drive of the international private railroad companies in North America to make fabulous profits at any expense and to shift their own costs, as much as possible, onto the workforce as well as onto the communities.”
Robert Bellefleur, Spokesperson
Coalition of Citizens and Organizations Committed to Railway Safety in Lac-Mégantic
(Translation: Canadian writer and political activist Anne-Marie Saint-Cerny)
Nothing Has Improved Since the Tragedy Ten Years Ago - If Anything, It’s Getting Worse.
Ten years, and residents of Lac-Mégantic are still asking authorities to stop, once and for all, the self-regulation of railroad companies and are still crying out for a public investigation of the 2013 tragedy that resulted in 47 deaths and the destruction of their downtown.
Gilbert Carette, Member
Coalition of Citizens and Organizations Committed to Railway Safety in Lac-Mégantic
“Ten years since the July 6, 2013 death of 47 innocent victims from the most terrible railroad accident in Canada’s history and probably in North America,… Ten years to notice that on both sides of the border, rail accidents are increasing,… Transport regulation didn’t change, and railroad barons rule, and railroad workers and the public are subjected to suffer.”
Gerri Songer, Campaign Liaison
La Coalition Rail Safety Campaign - USA
Woods & Wetlands Group, Sierra Club - IL Chapter
“After a train derailed up the tracks from me, I feared my well water was contaminated and for my pregnant daughter who had been drinking it.”
Knowing What Happened in Lac-Mégantic, Each Night I Questioned If I’d Be Alive the Next Morning.
“Two to three trains in 2000 became more than twenty, over a mile long in 2009, and then forty a day as long as two and a half miles the spring of 2022.
My entire home vibrated, waking me up at night, breaking a pane of glass in my neighbor’s window, and causing a window well to detach from my basement. Noise was so loud, a sudden bang terrified my autistic grandson who couldn’t be calmed for nearly twenty minutes - I couldn’t live like this anymore. “
Lac-Mégantic—This Is Not an Accident
‘Lac-Mégantic,’ About Canadian Rail Disaster, Takes Hot Docs’ Top Audience Award.
After an 11-day festival, which presented 214 films from 72 countries at 308 live screenings at venues across Toronto, Philippe Falardeau’s “Lac-Mégantic—This Is Not an Accident” topped the overall audience poll to win the 2023 Hot Docs Audience Award.